How Smart Phones change the way we live, communicate and work....

What would happen if I left my phone at home? I would feel lost and keep going to check it and then being like where it gone i would just feel lost and not know what to do all day!
Smart phones have changed the way we live because it helps us interact with other people and family and just genrally makes it easayer to talk to people instantaly.
You can just get you phone out and find people on facebook or online chat rooms and just speak to them i could not imagine how I would cope it I could not be able to go on facebook or text any one or ring them.
this time 10 years ago there was phones like this both my teachers said it was like a brick and you would no if you had it with u or not because it was so havy
they said about 15 years ago phone wasnt around i dont think i could of done that but on the other hand if i never new what one was i dont think it would male any diffrent
phones have come along way beacus your can talk to your phone and you can acsses nerly every thing you want but baskc in the day all you could do it ring people you could never text or acsses the internet or any thing now you can pay witgh you phone accses planes and basnks and people just try nicking you phone beacus there exspensive but the new phone have got trackers in them so you no where they are and you can use icloud witch is some thing you can back every thing up threw the internet and if you lose your phone you have it all saves to a hardrive and you can just reinstall all of it with i coulud buit it tell you where you phone is at all times
bad thing is people get syber bulled and kill them self beacuse of it and people dont relise how much it affects people and then dont think about it then get bulleid them self .